Moon Disk Photo by Daniel Chang

Blogged by Xiao Sun on February 1, 2011 and tagged with Sample Images, Moon, Mosaic, Sun.

This lunar image comes from Daniel Chang, a Hong Kong based astrophotographer. Daniel is a frequent contributor to this blog. His astronomy photos range from Moon to planets and to the Sun. Some of them are truly marvelous. Daniel's imaging camera is a DBK 21AF04.AS astronomy camera.

20110118 MOON 14.19 days
Date:2011-01-18 21:42:00 HK, 2011-01-18 13:42:00 UT
Lunation:14.19 days
Apparent diameter:32.69′
Lens : SCT 2,350mm f/10
Camera : DBK 21AF04.AS 1/30s Total: 79AVI
stacked 400frames x 1 = Mosaics 79frames x 1
stacked & processed with RegiStax5 & PS

Many Thanks and Happy Lunar New Year to Daniel!
