Objectifs Sur La Lune

Blogged by Xiao Sun on October 14, 2009 and tagged with Community, Moon.

"Objectifs sur la Lune" (or "Objectives on the Moon") is a lunar photography competition organized by the magazine L'Astronomie, owned by Société Astronomique de France (France Astronomical Society). The Imaging Source sponsored the contest with three astronomy cameras as the top prizes to the winners.

The awarding ceremony took place at FAS Paris, September 5, 2009.

First prize, DMK 41AU02.AS, goes to "Levée de pleine Lune" by Vincent Jacques.

Second Prize: "Conjonction Lune - Mercure" by Benjamin Poupard. He wins a DMK 31AU03.AS.

Third prize: "Les cratères Pitatus et Hesodius" by Christian Viladrich. The award is DMK 21AU04.AS.

Congratulations to the three winners! And thank you to all the participants!
