Vallis Alpes from the Midwest

Blogged by John Berryman on October 9, 2008 and tagged with Community, Resellers, Sample Images.

Sometimes when life is a bit chaotic as it has been this last past few weeks, it is a pleasure just to stand back, look into the heavens, and see an old friend. Here is an old friend from one of The Imaging Source's Premier Resellers in the Midwest, US, Rider's Hobby Shop.



Attached images were taken with the DMK 41AU02.AS, big camera. The seeing conditions were very average at best and I continue to be amazed at how well the DMK's can "beat" the seeing! The widefield shot is at f/10, the Vallis Alpes image closeup at f/25 using a Celestron 235mmSCT.
John Kirchhoff
Hudson, MI USA
