Rainer Ehlert's All-Sky

Blogged by John Berryman on May 11, 2008 and tagged with Community, Sample Images, Sun, Animation.

Here is yet another interesting astronomy application using The Imaging Source cameras sent to us by the infamous Rainer Ehlert in Mexico.

Please click on the following frame to download the movie file of ca. 50MB:

Accompanying this file, Rainer writes:

Using a DFK 41AF02.AS as cameras together with an Fisheye lens from Sunex 185° FOV 1.55mm focal length and f2.0, I built a little All-Sky camera. [...]

[Shown here is] approximately 10 hours of recording images every 15 seconds with an exposure time of 13.7 seconds [using the DFK 41AF02.AS]. This All-Sky camera thematic [astronomy application] is getting more and more interesting to many amateur astronomers as they want to check what is happening with their sky during long periods.

Special thanks to Mike Shreick who inspired me to making one of this All-Sky cameras.

I hope you like [...]



Thanks Amigo and keep up all the great work!

