Laurent and Guillaume Langelez Capture ISS

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on April 16, 2008 and tagged with Sample Images.

We have discussed the work of the French amateur astronomer Laurent Langelez previously in this blog. This time, he has sent us a couple of images, which depict the international space station (ISS).

The images were captured with the USB 2.0 astronomy camera DMK 31AU03.AS, manufactured by The Imaging Source:

Laurent added the following comments to his e-mail (translated from French):

Here is a photo of ISS, which was captured by my son - he is only seven years old. Together, we make a really good team! The image was slightly post-processed in RegiStax. A USB 2.0 [astronomy] camera DMK 31AU03.AS was mounted on a Newton 200/1000 with a Barlow x 2 Celestron.

We thank Laurent and Guillaume for sharing these images with the rest of the astronomy cameras community.
