André Débackère's Saturn RGB Image

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on March 20, 2008 and tagged with Community, Sample Images, Moon, Saturn.

Following his first light image of the Moon, André Débackère has again sent in more of his work. This time, it is a series of monochrome images that have been combined into one RGB image. The images of Saturn were captured with his DMK 21AU04.AS astronomy camera on March 13, 2008.

In his e-mail to us, André discusses the technical details of the image (translated from French):

30 fps, 1/30s. Each AVI, 4 minutes. HUFFYUV codec. Post acquisition processing in RegiStax. Quality 90%, wavelet level 1. Image orientation and RGB in Iris.

A big thank you from all at The Imaging Source go out to André. We appreciate your enthusiasm for our astronomy cameras and for sharing your work with the community.
