Total Lunar Eclipse - Discovery Science Channel TV

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on August 27, 2007 and tagged with Press, Sample Images, Moon.

During the past few weeks, we have been in contact with Shevill Mathers from Southern Cross Observatory, Cambridge, Tasmania, Australia.

Together with Discovery Science Channel TV, Shevill is filming the total lunar eclipse that will be happening tomorrow, August 28, 2007. It will be visible in its entirety for all of Eastern Australia and New Zealand.

The Imaging Source is sponsoring the project with one DFK 41AF02.AS. Using this astronomy camera, Discovery Science Channel TV will be broadcasting the event live over traditional channels and on their web site:

In order to test his equipment, Shevill carried out a dress rehearsal last night. He was kind enough to send us some photos of the test set-up.

Be sure to tune in to see the total lunar eclipse in all its glory tomorrow evening.
