The following two images of the Moon were submitted by Fernando Rodriguez, an astrophotographer based in Florida, USA. Fernando is relatively new to this community but he has been actively contributing his astronomy photos since the beginning.
Wide views of the Moon are stunning because I always imagine I am flying a few thousand feet above the surface. Camera DMK 21AU04.AS. No Barlow, IR Cutoff filter, 30 fps, 6 Inch Celestron SCT CG5 GOTO Mount. Processing Registax multipoint alignment and Photoshop.
Here is a shot that gave me great joy and pain. The images shotflawlessly with my DMK 21AU04.AS. All went at 60fps. Registax and finally Imerge for the final Mosaic. Then the pain of having missed a small bit of the moon. Nevertheless, you can zoom in and get a pretty crisp and big image.
Camera DMK 21AU04.AS at prime focus Celestron IR cut off filter, 6 inch Celestron SCT. No Barlow, CG5 GOTO Mount. 22 frames stitched with Imerge. AVIs shot @ 60fps. AVIs of aprox. 17 seconds for aprox. 1000 frames each. Processing Registax, Photoshop Elements 8 and Imerge.
Thank you very much Fernando! Fabulous photos!