New to the astronomy cameras community, Serge Tedesco sent us his first image, a region of sunspot, with the DMK 31AU03.AS .
His introduced some tech info on this picture in e-mail and we have translated it into English:
This image depicts a group of sunspots happening between 10:25 and 11:22 on 24th of June, local time. The Sun was at the altitude of 52°.
Kits: C8 (203/2000), Open Fork Mount made by myself, D5 Filter, Barlow x2
Gain value of 470, shutter speed 1/1250
wavelets processed 250 images with Registrax (sampling at 0.24 "/ pixel)
The distance between the sunspots is 30 "arc.
Welcome to this community Serge! And thank you for the nice picture. We would be happy to receive more astronomy images from you!