DMK series astronomy cameras are famous for their capability of capturing sharp images in poor seeing conditions. This advantage was once again proved by Ken Harrison, from Surrey UK, when he used DMK 21AU04.AS to take pictures of the Sun.
Here is what he wrote us in the e-mail:
The attached images were taken from on the 2nd June, in very poor seeing conditions!
The DMK21 performed admirably and took AVI video's at 1/2000 sec to 1/6 sec exposures.
The instrument used was a SolarMax SM60 double stack Ha filter ( approx 0.4A bandwidth) with a x2.8 Klee Barlow (giving f20) on an ED80 refractor.
About 200 frames from a 500 frame AVI, processed with Registax V5, and finished in Paint Shop Pro V7.
I can strongly recommend the DMK series camera for this work. The response QE in the Ha is very good.
Many Thanks Ken, for the great images and nice comments!