Dietmar Hager, a well-known amateur astronomer, who is based in Linz (Austria), submitted his first planetary images this week. The image is of Vallis Alpes on the Moon. It was captured with the astronomy camera DMK 21AF04.AS, mounted on a TMB Apo 9″.
Click on the following image to download the original version:
Accompanying his image, Dietmar wrote:
It has been quite a while since the 9″ TMB Apo has seen 'solar system-light'. I have purchased a planetary equipment enabling me to utilize good conditions with a bright moon up in the sky, where deep-sky imaging makes no sense.
Also, it is quite fun to play with this equipment and pursue this activity in planetary imaging. It is completely different! Another fascinating world. Seeing was quite good last night, but transparency was not. Actually it was a disaster.
The lunar image you see suffers from bad transparency, as I could only run the fast DMK 21AF04 camera at only 15 fps.
Dietmar is the owner of the private observatory Stargazer and has published a number of excellent images on his web site. We highly recommend that you go and take a look.
A great thanks goes out to Dietmar for his contribution to The Imaging Source astronomy cameras community.