Geert Vandenbulcke's Massive Lunar Mosaic

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on January 25, 2008 and tagged with Sample Images, Moon, Mosaic.

It seem that the lunar images that our customer are capturing are getting bigger and bigger! Geert Vandenbulcke has just sent in the following mosaic image.

You can download the full 4728×6792 pixel (!) version - a whopping 10.7 MB (!) - by clicking on the image:

Accompanying the image, Geert talks about how he captured and created this monster:

The camera used was my DMK 41AF02 with an Astronomik red interference filter. The telescope was my Vixen VMC260L. All AVI's used the same exposure time based on the brightest part of the Moon limb. 42 AVI files of 2000 frames were made, registered and 100 frames per AVI were stacked in Registax4, and then processed with a mild wavelet filter - this took about 5 minutes per image. I took care to process all individual images exactly. The images were then assembled in Photoshop. The mosaic took about 4 hours work to complete. I'm using a Pentium 4 3.2 GHz with 2 GB RAM.

Here, at The Imaging Source, we find your image awesome! I sincerely doubt that any other customer has created a larger image, but if you have, send it to me and I will display it here in the astronomy cameras blog. Well done Geert!
