Because I've been asked this question numerous times from members of The Imaging Source community, I thought I'd share the answer previously posted on the Forum:
Does IC Capture.AS have a night vision mode?"
Sensei Stefan writes:
I was asked for a night vision (red color) skin for IC Capture.AS. Since we do not plan to extend IC Capture.AS at this point of time, I found another solution. Simply create a new theme for Windows XP, select "Windows Classic" style and set your own wanted colors.
You may download a sample from this post. Copy it into the "C:\windows\resources\themes" directory. Then perform a right mouse click on the desktop, select "Properties". Now you can select this theme. Please keep in mind, it is only a sample, based on my personal settings. But it looks nice red in IC Capture.AS.
You may search the internet for more Windows XP themes.
You can see many more FAQ's for your DMK 21AF04.AS (or siblings) at the address listed below: