Sky and Telescope's Celestial Scenes

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on September 13, 2007 and tagged with Press, Sample Images.

Following the recent and very successful article in Sky and Telescope, we are delighted to post the following sample images that have been published on the magazine's web site in their rubric Celestial Scenes.

From his Stargazer Private Observatory, Dietmar Hager has captured the following image, using a 9″ TMB Apo f/22.5 - 2.5 Powermate with his DMK 21F04.

Source: Sky and Telescope web site.

Based in Saltillo, México, Ramiro Hernández has captured the following image, using a Celestron 8″ SC telescope, eyepiece projection which his DMK 21AF04. He stacked 2000 frames with Registax.

Source: Sky and Telescope web site.

Using a William Optics FLT110mm f7 Takahashi ExenderQ and his DMK 41AF02, Dominique Dierick of Ghent, Belgium has captured the following image:

Source: Sky and Telescope web site.

Finally, George Tarsoudis of Alexandroupolis, Greece has catpured the following image. He used an Orion Optics 250mm at f6.3 in LXD-75 mount, DMK 21AF04, barlow 2.5X and red filter:

Source: Sky and Telescope web site.
