The Imaging Source Cameras and Vista Are Problem Free!

Blogged by John Berryman on September 18, 2007 and tagged with Reviews, Software for Windows.

Due to the high volume of end users that are having problems with newly acquired PC's and their not so old programs that they STILL would like to use, I thought I would share a bit of good news to friends of The Imaging Source.

A new DBK 21AF04.AS user from North Texas writes:

Hi Profjohn,

I just got in my new DBK 21AF04.AS. I purchased a new laptop for the sole purpose of using it with this camera. I was a bit worried about the laptop having the Windows Vista operating system, but much to my delight and suprise, I had the camera along with the software completely installed, problem free, in less than 5 minutes. About 3 minutes actually. Couldn't of went smoother!

Regards, Joel, Amarillo, TX

Additionally, Joel told me earlier today (Tuesday) that he couldn't have been happier as the Seeing Gods are looking favorably on he and Texas this evening. With the clear skies tonight, Joel will be wrangling his first targets with his new camera from The Imaging Source.
