My name is Stephen W. Ramsden. I am the executive Director and founder of the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project - a nonprofit program whose purpose is to educate and expose the general public to the mysteries and amazing dynamics of our nearest star. I visit over 50 schools, public events and astronomy gatherings per year with my array of narrowband solar telescopes in the now famous S.U.N.S.P.O.T. (Sun Specific Public Outreach Truck) and setup up visual and imaging stations so that folks can come through and get a live peek at our Sun in several different wavelengths. I started out with the The Imaging Source DMK 21 monochrome camera like most solar enthusiasts and have been a big fan of these cameras since day one of operating my program. I now use 3 different The Imaging Source products in my weekly outreach events to show the Sun in all its glory. I also use and endorse the The Imaging Source DMK 41AU02.AS monochrome USB camera for most of my personal imaging of the Sun.
The DMK 41AU02.AS has proven itself to be an extraordinarily rugged and dependable. I routinely use the camera in temperatures exceeding 110F here in the hot Georgia sun and also down to 15 degrees F in the Southern winters. The DMK 41AU02.AS that I use has never failed me and has provided some of the most fantastic images I have ever seen. It has had its images published in Sky and Telescope, Astronomy Now, Astronomy Technology Today,,, and in dozens of other periodicals and news reports around the globe.
My sister site features a full review of the The Imaging Source line of cameras appropriate for solar imaging. Please take a look and also note the several different solar telescopes and accessories available for review there.
The Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project recommends the monochrome DMK 21AU04.AS, DMK 31AU03.AS or DMK 41AU02.AS as a great value priced imaging solution for solar astronomy.
If you would like to help support the program with a tax deductible donation and be listed as a sponsor on my website please visit for more info and for a paypal link.
Stephen W. Ramsden
Please enjoy just a few of the incredible images taken with the DMK 41AU02.AS: