More Fabulous Pictures from Efrain Morales

Blogged by Xiao Sun on August 9, 2010 and tagged with Sample Images, Jupiter, Moon.

Crater Endymion is located on the northeast limb of the Moon. Beyond the crater along the lunar limb is the Mare Humboldtianum. Efrain Morales managed to capture a nice photo of these objects with his DMK 21AF04 camera in March. The picture was also selected LPOD on July 18th.

Along with the photo of the Moon, he sent us some more planetary works from the past year.


Here is the quote of his e-mail:

Three images submitted one is of my recent session of Jupiter GRS at the limb and the Oval Ba trailing behind (July25th). Moon crater Endymion/Mare Humboldt also selected LPOD on July 18th capturing some features never noticed before. And last a Compilation of images of our solar system planets taken in a one year period. All images taken with my trusty DMK 21AF04 camera. Clear Skies to All.

Thank you Efrain! Well done!
