Moon Pictures

Blogged by Xiao Sun on May 11, 2010 and tagged with Sample Images, Moon.

These Moon pictures are the first light of German amateur Schuster with his DMK 21AU04.AS astrophotography camera. Despite the lack of experience with The Imaging Source astronomy cameras, Schuster still managed to capture some stunning view of our satellite.

The Moon

The Moon

Here is the quote of his e-mail:

In the night of April 24th I took the first pictures with my brand new DMK 21AU04.AS. The camera was operated on a Celestron C 9.25 telescope at f15 (1.5x Barlow lens) which was mounted to a Celestron CAM German mount. The pictures were taken in a rural area around 50 km north of Munich, Germany. Seeing conditions were good (S 7/10 T 7/10). The pictures were processed with AviStack 1.81, Registax 5 (wavelet functions) and Adobe Photoshop CS2 (final processing). I was amazed how easy and comfortable it was to work with this high quality camera. Thanks to The Imaging Source for providing such good and affordable equipment for amateur astronomy!

Thank you Mr. Schuster. Glad to hear you are happy with our products. Clear sky!
