Lucam Recorder V2.6 Released

Blogged by Xiao Sun on October 13, 2009 and tagged with Software for Windows.

Lucam Recorder is a professional image acquisition software developed by German programmer Heiko Wilkens. The program started to support The Imaging Source Astronomy Cameras since v2.2, and is becoming more popular among astronomy photographers for their daily observation and photography. We received an e-mail from Mr. Wilkens last week announcing the release of its latest version - 2.6, and we are happy to post part of it at this blog:

Version 2.6 of Lucam Recorder is released!
Main new features compared to V2.2:
a.. ASCOM filter wheel support
b.. Realtime Dark and Flat frame processing
c.. Realtime image stack
d.. Enhanced reticle shape definition including shift and rotation
e.. Enhanced time stamp log with resolution down to 1ms
f.. Camera property capture log per frame
g.. Expanded FITs header support
h.. Crop preview box for pixel level, histogram, white balance
i.. Selectable high quality zoom
j.. French, German and Spanish language user interface
k.. New The Imaging Source Programming interface for more stable operation of The Imaging Source cameras
Please visit Lucam Recorder website for more information and software download.

Version 2.6 is free of charge for 2.x license owners.


Thank to all persons who sending me astro pictures acquired with Lucam Recorder. It's a great pleasure!

For more info on the software, visit
