The trapezium Cluster is a relatively young open cluster that lies in the heart of Orion nebula. Scattered within a diameter of 1.5 light-years, the five brightest stars of this cluster illuminate pretty much the surrounding nebula.
Aaron Worley, from Cleveland OH, took the picture of Trapezium with his DMK 41AF02.AS astronomy camera in February.
In his e-mail, he told us:
I am a big fan of the Astronomy Cameras blog. I'd like to share with you an image I created of the Trapezium in M 42 from my backyard in the city, using my DMK 41AF02.AS camera. I've attached a copy.
Date: Feb 16th, 2009
Equipment: 9.25″ SCT, 0.5x reducer, DMK 41AF02.AS, LRGB filters
Software: IC Capture, Registax, Astra Image, Photoshop[...] I have more DMK pictures on my personal web site.
Thank you Aaron for such a beautiful image! Feel free to send us more if you think they are great ones.