Good news for those imagers that use AVIStack for processing images with cameras from The Imaging Source. Joe Writes:
We have added a wavelet enhancement tool to the latest version ofAviStack (V1.74 should appear any day now). As you know AviStack fully supports The Imaging Source astronomy cameras and I've been testing the latestversion with my DMK31AF03.AS. On the evening of January 1, 2009 I shot thirty four 1GB AVIs of the new year moon and constructed a mosaic using the new software and wavelet tool. You can see the result here ( with the 67% resolution image here (2880×4000 @ 5MB I used my trusty Celestron 11 at f/10 and the DMK 31AF03.AS with a redfilter. Gain was 350 and the exposure was 1/38 second. The 1300 frameAVIs took only 47 seconds each to capture. As always, the DMK 31AF03.AS was ajoy to use and produced excellent low noise data for the processing. Iprocessed the best 100 frames out of 1300. Mosaic was built up in PhotoShop using layers and the Difference blend to align. No otherprocessing was applied.
Happy New Year & Enjoy,