Guten Tag! to all of our astro-imagers from my colleagues at The Imaging Source Headquarters! I have been in Europe visiting and collaborating for the past two weeks in Bremen with my German Colleagues. As most of you know, The Imaging Source, had its beginning 20 years ago in this Northern City and has continued production here to retain the DMK's high quality.
With that in mind, I thought it would appropriate to highlight this BLOG article with a image from Peter Schluck, an astrophotagrapher located approximately 200 KM South of The Imaging Source, Bremen. In this image, Peter show a fine example of the power of image stacking using astronomy cameras from The Imaging Source.
Hi ProfJohn,
To show the imaging capabilities of a large 17inch Newton and the DMK 21AU04.AS from The Imaging Source. Here is an image showing what can be done with rather bad raw images to get a usable result. I got 300 single images of 1 second integration time and stacked them together. With a bit of image processing, we get a nice pix of M57!
PeterAspach ,Germany