Deep Sky from Italy

Blogged by John Berryman on July 30, 2008 and tagged with Community, Sample Images.

Many imaging enthusiasts frequently ask me if it is possible to obtain deep sky images with the 1/4 inch format cameras from The Imaging Source (two earlier today). Here are a couple shots taken in not so great conditions but magnificent results. They were captured by Salvatore Antonio Spampinato in Gela, Italy. The DMK 21AU04.AS does the job splendidly!

Recently the sky has been too foggy, but I couldn't resist to try something last night

[...] even if I had to limit the exposure both for the city light pollution and the low accuracy of my sidereal tracking [...] the telephoto lens I use is a 200 mm f/4.5 [...]

M5 globular cluster

Stack of 201 frames. DMK 21AU04.AS, 200 mm f/4.5 lens. No filters.

M11 open cluster

Stack of 117 frames. DMK 21AU04.AS, 200 mm f/4.5 lens. No filters.
