We recently received the following images from a customer in Italy: Alberto di Stazio is an amateur astrophotographer, who is based in Rome.
He sent us two images of NGC 7662 and NGC 2392, which he captured with his astronomy camera DBK 21AF04.AS:
NGC 7662 - Blue Snowball Nebula
In his e-mail to us, he added the following about this image:
Feb 9, 18.00 UT.
Location: Rome
Telescope: C11 at f 6.3
Camera: DBK 21AF04.AS
Total of 100 images between 6 and 10 seconds (four different videos). Initial elaboration done with registax. Using registax I then produced a video in AVI format that was elaborated with Iris. No other program was used.
NGC 2392 - Eskimo Nebula
In his e-mail to us, he added the following about this image:
Mar 29, 21.00 UT.
Location: Rome
Telescope: C11 at f 6.3
Camera: DBK 21AF04.AS
Total of 150 images between 6 and 12 seconds (six different videos). Initial elaboration done with registax. Using registax I then produced a video in AVI format that was elaborated with Iris. No other program was used.
Furthermore, Alberto makes some constructive comments on the astronomy cameras web sites:
In your Internet site you have a lot of wonderful pictures taken to the Moon and planets. I am sending pictures of planetary nebulae. These pictures were taken from Rome (very high light pollution) with a C11 at f 6.3 and the DBK 21AF04.AS. I have seen in the Internet equivalent pictures but taken with CCD that costs 10 times the DBK [...]
We thank Alberto for his contribution to The Imaging Source community.