After a year of selling The Imaging Source cameras to the Astronomy community, the worldwide adoption of our cameras in the market has been surpassed only by the positive product reviews on all continents! In that light, I would like you to help me welcome another new member to our imaging community from Australia. Matt Watson, an imager from Brisbane, recently from sent some nice Mars shots that he took from way "Down Under."
In this e-mail, Matt writes:
Hi Folks. I have a DMK 21AF04.AS camera and use it with my Celestron 9.25 SCT to capture planetary/lunar images. The results are great!
All images were captured using a C9.25, 3x Televue barlow and red Astronomik Type 2 filter. The resulting AVI was processed in Registax 4 and then given some 'touch-up' work in PhotoShop 7.
Many thanks.
Below is the photo that he sent in:
Great job Matt! Send us some of Jupiter when you can. And that goes for everyone else!