Many DMK users and potential customers have contacted both and The Imaging Source wondering the differences between our astronomy cameras and their industry counterparts. This answer, as well as, the reason behind the 64 thousand dollar question, is quite fascinating and warrants this post.
A few years ago, a few eager imaging buffs like yourself, looking for higher quality yet affordable astrophotography cameras ran across the DMK line and adapted them to fit their needs and their scopes. These pioneers subsequently contacted The Imaging Source with numerous questions and comments regarding the features of the robust IC Capture software. With the help of the software developers at The Imaging Source, the astronomers were not only able to update their DMK's (and their blue siblings), but also increase the functionality of the cameras. The so called "dot" AS version of the software now included the ability to extend the exposure time to 60 minutes for deep sky attempts.
After receiving countless kudos and just as many images from the astro community, The Imaging Source decided to launch an additional company division beginning with the advertisement in Sky & Telescope (and this blog!). To see the DMK in all its 4 color glory, pick up this months issue or just click here !