Saturn on June 19, 2013

Blogged by Aurélie Le Fort-Beunink on November 11, 2013 and tagged with Sample Images, Saturn.

I stacked 80% of 13,000 frames of a 4-minute video. Interestingly, we can now begin to appreciate the shadow of the planet on the rings. This shadow effect is visible on the left rear side of my picture. That shadow was not visible at all at the end of April 2013 (period of Saturn opposition). Sky-Watcher 8-inch Newtonian telescope, Televue Barlow 4X and DBK 21AU618.AS camera with IR-cut. Images were captured at 60 FPS, treated with PIPP, Autostakkert2! and RegiStax.

Daniel Leclerc, Montreal, Canada

Saturn taken by Daniel Leclerc
