Images Captured with DMK 21 and DBK 21 Camera

Blogged by Aurélie Le Fort-Beunink on November 22, 2011 and tagged with Moon, Jupiter.

For some months I've been working with a DMK camera for astrophotography. I'm doing mainly Planets and Moon and I love my DMK's.

A couple days ago I traded my DMK 41AU02.AS (which I didn't use alot) for a DBK 21AU04.AS color (not the new chip one).

I've made my first Jupiter images with this cam and perhaps you'll want to put them up the site. The color was taken in bad seeing conditions however, so I expect to get much better result still. The ones in B/W are all done with my DMK 21AU04.AS mono (which I've bought new) and used an IR pass filter.

My setup is a Celestron C9.25, Televue Powermate 2.5 on an EQ6 mount.

Edwin Pottillius, Roeselare, Belgium
