For years, Italian astrophotographer Alberto Mayer has been using DMK 31AF03.AS and DBK 31AF03.AS cameras to explore the deep sky. Many of his galaxy/nebula photos are truly incredible pieces.
Here are four deep sky photos Alberto captured this year. He used DMK 31AF03.AS camera as the imaging tool.
The following 4 images are my first genuine DMK 31AF03.AS images bothfor Luma than for ³R, G & B² channels (with baader RGB filters).
I think that M51 is much better than the previous one and it is a little bigger too.
M27 is the most recent and it is enough big.
M82 is nice fo the intense colors.
Recently I did a very fast image of M57 that I called quick and dirty because the unguided scope was terribly affected by periodic error (2000 mm focal) the weather was getting worse so I did a quick luma with a quicker underexposed chroma binned 2×2. The original movies are unrecognizable, full of noise and practically black.
Thank you very much Alberto! Amazing pictures!