Based in Redondo Beach, CA, USA Ralph Ford wrote to us this week to let us know about the following deep sky image of M13, which he shot with his DMK 21AU04.AS astronomy camera.
The photo was captured from Ralf's Pine Flat Observatory, located in the foothills south-east of Porterville, CA. This area enjoys particularly dark skies, ideal for deep sky astro-photography with The Imaging Source astronomy cameras.
Accompanying the image, he wrote the following to The Imaging Source:
Last weekend I used the DMK 21AU04.AS camera with an 80mm F/6.9 refractor, just to see what could be done. I was pretty surprised to see how deep the camera could go. [...] For M13 I stacked 100 four second exposures. Thank you for a great product!
Thank you, Ralf for your contribution to The Imaging Source astronomy cameras community.