Although many of us in the imaging world can't see much of our favorite gas giant, those in the southern hemisphere are still snapping stunning shots with The Imaging Source cameras.
Our good friend, Matt Watson, in Australia writes:
It's been a while since I submitted images for the [astronomy cameras] blog. The seeing here in Brisbane (Australia) has been very bad for months.
There was a brief opportunity last night, which I embraced eagerly!
This was taken around 10.15pm local time with Jupiter at approximately 57 degrees latitude.
As you can see, the conditions were not too bad. The presence of the jetstream is still noticeable, but it was nice to be out there capturing at least something.
This was captured with a Celestron 9.25″ SCT, 3x Televue Barlow, Astronomik RGB (Type 2) filter set, Atik manual filter wheel, and the DMK 21AF04.AS
Processing carried out in Registax 4, Astra Image 2.5 Max and PhotoShop 7.
Accompanying his e-mail to The Imaging Source, Matt included the following image:
Good Job Matt!