Michael Theusner has submitted one of the largest Moon mosaic images that we have received to date.
His masterpiece is a mosaic of 34 individual images. For each of these images the best 100 frames of a 300 frame long AVI video were selected and averaged to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. The AVIs were captured through a refractor with a focal length of 3000 mm @f/15 and a DMK 31AF03.AS.
Below is only a small section from the original image.
Click to download original - 3919px x 6768px = 3.4 MB compressed JPEG:
Accompanying his image, Michael proudly announces:
I own a DMK 31AF03.AS since April 2007 and must really say that this was one of my best investments in astronomy. I like to take high resolution lunar images and have started to post the recent ones on my photo-page at pbase.com.
The last one is from May 11, 2008. I took the videos through the 20 cm refractor (f/15) of our astronomy club in Hanover, Germany.
The image is a mosaic and composed of 34 individual images. Each of these images was assembled from the best 100 of 300 frames of each video (plus additional post-processing). I am really amazed about what you can do today in comparison what was possible with my ToUCam!
This image is awe-inspiring. Well done!
If anyone has a larger image please contact us and we will publish it here.