Many astronomy customers of The Imaging Source have recently asked if it is possible to power their DMK 21AF04.AS without the use of the AC power supply, or "Mainy" as we call them. Because the DMK 21AF04.AS and its siblings must be an extremely versatile family of FireWire cameras, we have built them such that they can be powered with a supply voltage between 8 and 30 dc volts while drawing less than 200mA.
Field application can be a breeze with the use of a 12 volt automobile battery, a 12 volt motorcycle battery, or generic power pack. Radio Shack sells an inexpensive "AA" battery pack and the 5mm plug adapter that will fit nicely into the PJ2 cable.
Personally, I much prefer the "Dynamo" from Orion so that I'm certain I can start my truck after a night in the wild! Besides that, the Dynamo is rechargeable, useful in numerous circumstances, and doubles as a great flashlight! The battery packs do have their advantages including a price under $5.00 (plus the 8 "AA" batteries) and they easily fit into your jeans pocket whereas the Dynamo and car batteries weigh A LOT!You can count on at least 2 hours continuous use of your DMK 21AF04.AS from The Imaging Source with 8 fresh "AA" batteries or about 2 years with the Dynamo[...] the decision is yours! In the end, the power supply is a personal decision that must be weighed against the circumstance of your stargazing situation. The key is[...] The Imaging Source DMK 21AF04.AS (and its siblings) will function in all situations listed above!