John Chumack: Venus Images

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on September 28, 2007 and tagged with Sample Images, Venus.

John Chumack at The Chumack Observatories has posted a series of Venus images, each taken with different Barlow lenses (2x and 4x). The series was captured with a DMK FireWire camera and 10″ SCT from his backyard in Dayton, OH, USA.

Click on the following image for the full sized version:

In the forum, John writes:

Venus was only about 20 degrees off the horizon when I took these, so seeing sucked a bit, I really should have waited until it got higher for the higher barlow mags, 4x is a bit much, it did not quite fit in the FOV either.
Captured 60 sec avi's, stacked in Registax4, and assembled in Adobe PS.

Thanks go out to John for sharing these images with the community.
