Sample Images Captured with DMK, DFK and DBK FireWire Cameras

Blogged by Jonathan Maron on April 23, 2007 and tagged with Sample Images, Moon.

I would like to say thank you to all our customers who have sent us the magnificent sample images for our Sample Images archive. They really do show the precision and quality of The Imaging Source astronomy cameras.

Up to now, we have not solicited customers for these sample images; they have just been sent to us. When we receive agreement from our customers, we publish all sample images in the archive, crediting the customer for his/her work.

Below is one of the most spectacular sample images. It is an image of the Lunar Eclipse in March 2007 by Dominique Dierick.

Do you have better images? Or at least as good? Want to see your images on our web site? Send them to us :-)
